Un-Churched in Hocking County:


MIDBAR Countdown








Scroll down for more information.

Current Campaign Goal:

MIDBAR Capital Campaign:


For 3 years, HHUMC conducted a capital campaign to raise funds for our new building to go on our new land that we’ve purchased. That campaign was called “Plant, Water, Grow” because as a new church we had planted the spiritual seeds, watering and nurturing them to life, and then guided them as they grew in our church and community. Coming out of that campaign we have matured and flourished as a family. As the family grows – so does the resources needed to sustain. With that we are beginning a second campaign to continue that growth all the while pruning, developing, and plotting out our promised land. Our new campaign isn’t as much about growth as it is nourishment and sustenance.
The word “MIDBAR” looks like an English word (which it is), but is actually also a Hebrew word. In the English it means a halfway point. It’s a mere checkpoint of the larger journey at hand. In Hebrew the word has even more beauty teeming in imagery. In Hebrew, MIDBAR (pronounced phonetically) refers to “the wilderness”. It doesn’t mean wilderness in the sense of being lost and not knowing where to go. It is used throughout the scriptures to describe nature and specifically pastures of uninhabited land that are ripe for both travel and habitancy. MIDBAR is an uninhabited plain country fit for feeding flocks.
We have purchased our land. We have cultivated ministry. Mostly we have heard the voice of God and followed without question. We asked to sell our buildings and God answered. We asked for land and God answered. In the spirit of trusting Him we are asking for Him to lead us to the end of this journey so that we may start the next. In prayer, fasting, and generosity we believe that God will lead us into, through, and eventually settling into our MIDBAR; for Him and for His mission.

New Church Floor Plan

(Click to Enlarge)

Our New Church

(3D Render | Click to Enlarge)

Click the arrows to see the build progression.

Land 1 Date
Land 2 Date
Land 3 Date
Land 4 Date
Land 5 Date
Land 6 Date
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Current Progress Video Tour

More information coming soon!