Often family is what makes us better or makes us worse.  Our homes are filled with strife and fighting and it’s almost like an amusement park with all of the craziness.  Anthony Bourdain, the globe-trotting chef who recently took his own life, wrote in a memoir: “Your body is not a temple. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” That’s how Bourdain lived. He enjoyed, experienced, indulged, abused, ate, drank, and wandered around until his ride came to a tragic stop.  That seems to be the case for a lot of families the end result is tragic!  But it doesn’t have to be that way, God’s plan for the family is for healthy relationships and support.  Our families are precious in God’s sight and the family is designed by God to be a place where through all things there is forgiveness and love.  When the Holy Spirit lives within the hearts of the family we are given more strength and grace to become an incredible family.  We are on a mission and Christ lives through us as we labor and live as family.

The family is the highest calling and the greatest reward in life so may we live to bring goodness and grace into our homes and support each other through thick and thin.

Activity in God’s service is the best cure for many of the ills of life…. Our labor is not in vain when it is performed for God.

Robert Stuart MacArthur of Calvary Baptist Church in New York, in a 1908 sermon